About Temple

Lord Kala Bhairav is considered to be the Lord of Stars (graha) Rahu so to attain the maximum benefits of Rahu, people worship Bhairava, who is the fierce form of Lord Shiva. It is believed that Lord Bhairava is connected to the Mahavidya goddess name Bhairavi who give Lagna Shuddhi(purification of followers). This purifies and protects the body, character, personality and other qualities associated with the follower. And worshipping of Lord Bhairava is very useful to win over our Enemies, success and all materialist comforts.

To be successful in life being at the right place at the right time is of precise importance. Worshipping of Lord Bhairava helps us to better utilize time towards a constructive end. The meaning of word Bhairava who is the fierce form of Lord Shiva in itself state the value of life. The word “BHAI” gives you material wealth, the word “RA” is the dissolution of negativity and limited consciousness, and ‘VA’ will keep creating things.

Lord Bhairava who himself has eight manifestations, he along with his eight consorts over-rides the life of every living being.

Lord Bhairava’s Eight Manifestations:

Asitaanga Bhairava

– Gives Creative Ability

He is the first form of AshatabhairavaMurthi, of the eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava, who appears in a golden hue, carrying four weapons in four arms namely Trishula, Damaru, Pasham and Khadgam(sword); and rides on a Swan. AsitaangaBhairava appears with his consort Brahmi – stands in the direction facing towards the East.

Ruru Bhairava

– Divine Educator

He is the second form of AshtabhairavaMurthi, of the eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava, whose appearance is wholly white i.e., fair – wearing many ornaments decked with rubies. He carries in his four arms Tankam, Krishna Mrugam, Khadgam, Alms Pathra; and rides on a Ox. He appears with his consort Maheshwari – stands in the direction facing South East.

Shri Chanda Bhairava

– Gives You The Extrordinary Power

He is the third form of AshtabhairavaMurthi, of the eight manifestations of lord Bhairava. He is pleasant white face, carrying along with him in his four arms Dhanussu, Banam, Khadgam, Alms Pathra; and rides on a Peacock. His appears with his consort Koumari- stands in the direction facing South.

Shri Krodha Bhairava

– Gives You The Power To Take Massive Action

He is the fourth form of AshtabhairavaMurthi, of the eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava. His appearance is grey and carries in his four arms Shankhu, Chakra, Gadha, Alms Pathra; and rides on an Eagle. He appears with his consort Vaishnavi – stands in the direction facing South West.

Shri Unmattha Bhairava

– Controls Negative Ego

He is the fifth form of the Ashtabhairavamurthi, of the eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava. He has a pleasing white appearance and carries in his four arms Alms Pathra, Khetaka, Parigha(iron bludgeon), Musalam and rides on a Horse. He appears with consort Varahi – stands in

Shri Kapala Bhairava

– Ends All Un Rewarding Work & Action

He is the sixth form of AshtabhairavaMurthi, of the eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava. He is yellow in complexion and carries in his four arms the weapons – Pasham, Vajrayudham, Khadgam, Alms Parthra, and rides on an Elephant. He appears with his consort Indrani – stands in the direction facing North West.

Shri Bheeshana Bhairava

– Obliterates Evil Spirits and Energy

He is the seventh form of AshtabhairavaMurthi, of the eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava. His appearance is red in colour and carries in his four arms the weapons – Trishul, Lotus, Alms Pathra, Khadgam and rides on Lion. He appears with his consort Chamundi – stands in the direction facing North.

Shri Samhara Bhairava

– Dissolving All The BadConsequences of Past Actions

He is the eighth form of AshtabhairavaMurthi, eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava. His appearance is saffron in colour and carries his 10 arms a Long Sword, Shankhu, Chakra, Dhamaru, Trishul, Kapala, Gadha, Pasham, Alms Pathra and an Ankusham, he rides on a dog. He appears with his consort Chandi – stands in the direction facing North East.

As per the Vedas, we are all bounded and surrounded by the Kaal – The Time, every individual in order to succeed and accomplish his aim, is always being restricted by The Time. In order to evade such unusual ties of Time, one must have the constant blessing by the Lord the Ruler of Time Himself. Therefore, to bring the sacred blessings of Lord Kala Bhairava – the Lord Shiv in another form, and bring in the sacred blessing of Lord Shiv the Maha Yagna of Prathista is being conducted. (to bring in shiva tatvam – bhram murari surachita lingam ga).

Sri. Rajashekar Thallapally the Chairman of Shri Ashta Bhairava Trust have decided to install a Shiv Ling that is 12′.6″ height Shiv Ling having a Gharba alyam, with a big Pradkshana Pranganam. And surround the said Shiv Ling are the temples the Eight manifestations of Lord Bhairava Roopam with their consorts, in the village of Kajipally. The temple of Ashta Bhairava Temple is for the village and next generation.